Earning Disclaimer
The ceelinkdigital.com (this website) is not a get rich quick program nor does it promote overnight success. Success in business requires a strong work ethic, commitment and developing the skills needed to earn income. Legally, we can not and do not make any guarantees regarding income, results or your ability to earn any income with our affiliate program, membership sites training or strategies. All statements on this website regarding earnings, income, effort, and/or your likelihood of success are estimates based upon what our most successful customers have experienced. Expect that you will not do as well as any of them. In fact, most consumers never recoup the amount they spent on our products and services. Your success is determined by many factors, including your desire, dedication, effort, ability to follow directions, personal talent, and consumer demand for the products and/or services in your primary business. These factors are beyond our control.
You should anticipate numerous challenges. Many will try, few will succeed.
We make no guarantees, express or implied, regarding your experiences and results. Running a business involves numerous risks. Do your due diligence before you purchase anything from us or from the resources we recommend. Obtain advice from an attorney, accountant, or other qualified professionals before starting. By purchasing and using our products and services or from the resources we recommend, you are expressly agreeing to assume the risks associated with their use and are agreeing that our company is not responsible for any losses you experience.